Tin tức & Nghiên cứu

Tin tức Công ty

Trading hours schedule for Good Friday & Easter Holiday 7 – 10 April 2023

All times are UK (BST) Time. Only products affected are shown below, all other products follow standard trading hours, please see the details below.

Date Products affected Trading hours
06/04/2023 Australia 200 22:50 Wed - 15:00 Thu
06/04/2023 Europe 50, France 40, UK 100, Germany 30 23:00 Wed - 21:00 Thu
06/04/2023 Hong Kong 50 02:15 - 20:00
07/04/2023 Australia 200, Europe 50, Germany 30, France 40, Spain 35, Hong Kong 50, UK 100, Gold, Silver, UK Brent, US Crude, US Natural Gas Closed
07/04/2023 China A50, India 50, US SPX 500, US Tech 100, Wall street 30, Singapore 20, Japan 225 22:00 Thu - 14:15 Fr
10/04/2023 Australia 200, Europe 50, France 40, Spain 35, Germany 40, Hong Kong 50, UK 100 Closed
10/04/2023 China A50, India 50, Singapore 20 02:00 - 22:00
11/04/2023 Europe 50, Germany 40 01:15 - 22:00
11/04/2023 France 40 07:00 - 22:00
11/04/2023 Hong Kong 50 02:15 - 22:00
11/04/2023 UK 100, Australia 200 01:00 - 22:00

Please note the hours above are subject to change.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Land Prime Account Team.